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  • Space Serum siero viso

    Space Serum siero viso


    EFFETTO TENSORE - ANTI-GRAVITÁ, 30 ml@Siero viso con Polvere di Meteorite dall'effetto mineralizzante ad azione liftante anti-gravità.
    Illumina l'incarnato, leviga e uniforma la pelle che è subito più radiosa, esalta le caratteristiche del viso con l'azione rimodellante.
    Formato da 30ml.

  • Donkey’s milk Body Cream

    Donkey’s milk Body Cream

    Al Latte d'Asina, specifica per smagliature, 250ml

    Al Latte d'Asina, specifica per smagliature, 250ml@Crema corpo al Latte d'Asina specifica per il trattamento PRIMA&DOPO delle smagliature:
    PRIMA, ne previene la formazione elasticizzando e idratando
    DOPO, rigenera e ripara i tessuti promuovendo il rinnovo cellulare cutaneo.

    • Riparatrice, elasticizzante e lenitiva
    • Ricca di vitamine A, B, C, E e acidi grassi Omega-3 e Omega-6
    • Accelera la produzione di collagene e i processi di guarigione cutanea
    • Riduce smagliature, imperfezioni cutanee e cicatrici
    • Adatta sia in gravidanza che in allattamento
  • HOLLYWOOD ISMILE PEN Gel Pen for teeth whitening Wonder Company

    Hollywood iSmile Pen

    Gel Pen for teeth whitening, 4ml

    Gel Pen for teeth whitening, 4ml@Gel Pen for teeth whitening, whiter teeth after 10 minutes. 4ml

  • WONDER CAVIAR EYE Caviar eye contour cream Wonder Company

    Wonder Caviar contorno occhi

    Caviar eye contour cream, 15ml

    Caviar eye contour cream, 15ml@Caviar eye contour cream with lifting effect. 15ml

  • TROPICAL BEER OIL Ultra tanning sun oil with beer Wonder Company

    Tropical Beer Oil

    Ultra-tanning sun oil with beer, 200ml

    Ultra-tanning sun oil with beer, 200ml@Ultra-tanning sun oil with beer, hydrating and nourishing, for extreme tanning. 200ml

  • WONDER MASCARA VOLUME Bee Venom and Aloe Vera eyelash volumizing mascara Wonder Company

    Wonder Mascara +Volume

    Bee Venom and Aloe Vera eyelash volumizing mascara, 14ml

    Bee Venom and Aloe Vera eyelash volumizing mascara, 14ml@Bee Venom and Aloe Vera eyelash volumizing mascara. 14ml

  • Bamboo charcoal Konjac Sponge -3.00 Off
    • -3.00

    Bamboo charcoal Konjac Sponge

    Make-up remover, cleanser, exfoliator
    7.90 4.90

    Make-up remover, cleanser, exfoliator@Make-up remover, cleanser, exfoliator sponge with 100% natural bamboo charcoal vegetable fiber.

    • Removes dirt and excess oil
    • Promotes hydration
    • Eliminate impurities
    • It reduces bacteria
    • Exfoliate dead skin cells
  • Kit viso e corpo al latte d'Asina -5.00 Off
    • -5.00

    Kit viso e corpo al latte...

    La crema viso definitiva
    49.90 44.90

    La crema viso definitiva@La Crema Viso definitiva per nutrire, proteggere e mantenere giovane la pelle grazie al potere curativo del Latte d'Asina. Ricco di vitamine A, B, C, E e acidi grassi Omega-3 e Omega-6, contrasta i segni del tempo, riduce le imperfezioni, illumina e ripara la pelle rendendola morbida e vellutata.

  • Blush 01 Light pink

    Blush 01 Light pink

    Light pink blush

    Light pink blush@Blush with a velvety and silky texture, brightens your complexion with a glowy and fresh touch.
    Vegan formulation, color LIGHT PINK.

  • BEER CREAM TUBE SPF 30 SPF 30 face and body sun cream with Beer Wonder Company

    Beer Cream solar protection...

    SPF 30 face and body sun cream with Beer, 100ml

    SPF 30 face and body sun cream with Beer, 100ml@SPF 30 face and body sun cream with Beer - intense hydration, low protection. 100ml

  • WONDER REFILL 5 ml portable perfume nebulizer Wonder Company

    Wonder Refill

    5 ml portable perfume nebulizer, 1pc

    5 ml portable perfume nebulizer, 1pc@5 ml portable perfume nebulizer, Gold edition. 1pc

  • AFTER SUN MEGA XXL Aftersun beer spray Wonder Company

    After Sun Mega XXL

    Aftersun beer spray, 400ml

    Aftersun beer spray, 400ml@Aftersun beer spray - refreshes, hydrates and enhances your tan. 400ml

    Nourishing emulsion for face and body, ideal after a day of sun, wind and sea.
    Thanks to its mix of natural active ingredients such as avocado oil, aloe extract, beta glucan, mint oil, chestnut extract and banana, it brings an immediate feeling of well-being and enhances the radiance and brightness of the tan.

  • Wonder Killer

    Wonder Killer

    Spray repellente anti-zanzare DEET50

    Spray repellente anti-zanzare DEET50@Spray repellente il cui principio attivo, la Deet (dietiltoluamide) è consigliato dall'OMS* (Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità) e lo rende il più efficace ANTI-ZANZARE in commercio.

    • efficace contro Zanzara comune, Zanzara Tigre e Zanzara di risaia
    • efficace contro Mosquitos e Zecche
    • elevata efficacia (formulazione con DEET al 50%)
    • 10 ore di protezione contro zanzare
    • 5 ore di protezione contro zecche
    • pelle protetta e idratata, adatto anche per pelli sensibili
  • Beer Trigger Spray 15

    Beer Trigger Spray 15

    Super abbronzante spray con protezione 15

    Super abbronzante spray con protezione 15@Super abbronzante spray con filtro di protezione SPF15 in un nuovo formato con pratico erogatore Trigger, ideato per l'esposizioni solari più lunghe ed intense. I componenti principali sono la BIRRA e L'ALGA CORALLINA.
    Leggera emulsione spray dall'effetto protettivo grazie alla presenza di filtri solari a media protezione.

  • Space Up Boob Tape

    Space Up Boob Tape


    REGGISENO ADESIVO IN NASTRO, 5 metri @Innovativo REGGISENO ADESIVO IN NASTRO: dècolletè da favola con ogni tipo di outfit, adesivo tecnologicamente avanzato e sicuro che modella e supporta il tuo seno.
    Ipoallergenico, morbido e confortevole è perfetto per modellare una scollatura con semplici gesti. In cotone 97% è traspirante e non fa sudare, super-tenuta durevole e rimozione indolore.

    Come si usa

    1. ?taglia il nastro alla lunghezza adatta
    2. solleva il seno nella posizione desiderata
    3. applica il nastro partendo da sotto, rimuovendo la parte superiore e facendolo aderire perfettamente

    Esempi di utilizzo

    Reggiseno adesivo Reggiseno invisibile adesivo Reggiseno nastro adesivo Boobs tape Nastro adesivo Reggiseno Reggiseno Tape seno Bendaggio seno adesivo Modellatore seno adesivo invisibile color carne
  • WONDER CC CREAM CC cream with Goji berries Wonder Company

    Wonder CC Face Cream

    CC cream with Goji berries, 30ml

    CC cream with Goji berries, 30ml@CC cream with Goji berries, evens, brightens and corrects your facial skin flaws. 30ml

  • Eyepencil 02 Blue

    Eyepencil 02 Blue

    Temperable pencil

    Temperable pencil@Vegan temperable eye pencil, with intense pigmentation and a creamy and flowing formulation, easy to apply and blend
    BLUE coloring.

    • Soft to the touch and pleasant to the touch
    • High writing power, precise and smudge-free stroke
    • Ideal for framing and defining the look in one shot
    • With Coconut Oil which increases its duration
  • BABY SUN Waterproof SPF 50 sunscreen for children Wonder Company

    Baby Sun

    Waterproof SPF 50+ sunscreen for children, 75ml

    Waterproof SPF 50+ sunscreen for children, 75ml@Waterproof SPF 50+ sunscreen for children, high protection. 75ml

  • WONDER BEE CREAM 24h bee venom face cream Wonder Company

    Wonder Bee, Face cream

    Face cream with bee venom, 50ml

    Face cream with bee venom, 50ml@The face cream of the Wonder Bee line is composed of a mix of effective active ingredients among which the precious and innovative Bee venom stands out (collected without harming the friendly bees), considered one of the biggest innovations in cosmetics, known above all for its toning properties and exceptional ally against the signs of aging.

  • BB Cream Filler, Medium-Llight

    BB Cream Filler, Medium-Llight

    BB Filler, smoothes and uniforms

    BB Filler, smoothes and uniforms@BB Filler, face emulsion, creamy, non-greasy, enriched with micro-encapsulated pigments that are released at the time of application making homogeneous the natural complexion.
    MEDIUM-LIGHT colouration.

    • moisturizes, smoothes, evens and protects
    • minimizes facial imperfections
    • thanks to the filler effect it improves the duration of the makeup
  • BEE VENOM SERUM Bee venom face serum Wonder Company -8.10 Off
    • -8.10

    KIT Wonder Bee Crema &...

    Bee venom face serum, 30ml
    58.00 49.90

    Bee venom face serum, 30ml@Bee venom face serum with Lifting Effect. 30ml

  • Set viso Space crema+siero -4.00 Off
    • -4.00

    Set viso Space crema+siero

    Tonificante + Azione anti-gravità con Derma Roller in regalo
    40.00 36.00

    Tonificante + Azione anti-gravità con Derma Roller in regalo@Set viso con crema e siero insieme per un'azione tonificante e un effetto anti-gravità immediato.
    Con DERMAROLLER IN REGALO, per un'azione più profonda ed efficace!

  • The Wonder Company Book

    The Wonder Company Book

    When beauty meets fiction

    When beauty meets fiction@When beauty meets fiction: six stories, six authors, one challenge: giving the best of oneself and at the same time talking about Wonder Company products to the readers, integrating them harmoniously within of the plot.

    A challenge accepted and won, thanks to the undoubted charm of the products themselves, but also to the ductility of the pen demonstrated by a group of writers who agreed to get involved to live a new adventure, halfway between fiction and advertising.
    The result? A compelling and enjoyable book from the first to the last page, demonstrating that writing is always the best way to communicate.

  • Summer Box M2O

    Summer Box M2O

    Edizione limitata

    Edizione limitata@L'esclusiva +Summer Box in EDIZIONE LIMITATA di Radio M2O e Wonder Company!

    • Beer Cream, crema super abbronzante alla birra
    • Beer Protection 15, crema protezione solari SPF15
    • Wonder Tattoo, protezione solare per i tatuaggi e le zone sensibili
  • BEER CREAM Super tanning cream with Beer Wonder Company -8.00 Off
    • -8.00

    Beer Cream

    Super-tanning cream with Beer, 100ml
    36.00 28.00

    Super-tanning cream with Beer, 100ml@Super-tanning cream with Beer, tan activator for the face and body. 100ml

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